So, I'm trying to go through a 3 mth back log of photos - including 2 friends weddings. I took around 950 photos for my friend Clare's wedding back in March and only now during Easter break have I attempted to look at them. I often think of it as a daunting task to go through photos of an event because I know it will be hours of culling and photoshopping to get the right outcome.
Although in the end, its worth it when you look at the finished product. Anyways, time to chuck in the towel for today since its 4:35am. I managed to go through 200 out of the 950. not great progress, but this is my favourite of what I've done today. I haven't even gotten to the ceremony! ha. I usually like to do it all in one sitting, because that's how I operate, but the sheer volume is not achievable in one sitting for me.
Anyways, this photo is of my friend Logan who came down from London to celebrate this wedding out at Robertson at this gigantic manor called Fountaindale Manor. They had lots of interesting rooms, nooks and crannies. So I took advantage of an unwilling model to pose for me, i call this one 'hard left' because thats the order I barked at home to face his head.
Hope all is well in Easter land for you all.